Author: Michelle (Page 6 of 6)

Prepare Your Chickens for Northern Winters

I’ve loved seeing the backyard chicken community grow over the years- and especially this past year! So many new chicken owners; I lovingly refer to us as “chicken tenders”. So it seemed like a good time to gather my thoughts for an overview on getting your hens ready for winter. This article focuses on smaller backyard flocks because this is what I’ve had the most experience with, and what most newbies start with.

For us backyard chicken tenders there are specific city rules and responsibilities. I go over some of those and other local chicken keeping resources in my post, Chickens in the Hood. I also bear my soul in the sobering blog, Fresh Eggs to Chicken Soup, about when we decided to cull a flock of our hens a few years back.

Transitioning to Winter

Transitioning hens to winter can be smooth when you follow a few simple steps… Yes, even if we’re rushing after a freakishly early snowstorm and weeks earlier than normal! Just pat yourself on the back that you’ve taken a step to lessen your reliance on corporate food systems and get a good pair of gloves for winter chores.

Keeping chickens over the winter really comes down to keeping them dry and out of the wind along with giving them plenty of food and water. This should give you happy hens down to -20°F. But, let’s get real- nothing is happy colder than that. Like at any other time of year, being with your hens and knowing their routines is your best offense.

If there’s one thing you get out of this article, let it be that chickens are tough birds! While cold by itself can harm chickens, the thing that can really harm your hens is that sneaky combination of damp + cold together which causes frost bite faster. We’ll cover this in depth later on. For now, we’ll go over three area; the coop, the hens, food + water,
but of course they all intermix along the way.

The Coop

Coops come in all shapes and sizes. If you ever need coop inspiration check out Egg|Plant Urban Farm Supply’s annual “Chicken Coop Tour”. So, what might work in one yard/coop/flock may not in another.  I’ll give basic ideas that can be used to fit your chicken coop no matter the shape or size.

Current Coop, notice covered run area

Coops need ventilation, but not wind. This can seem antithetical. Think of it this way- we leave our coops uninsulated but cover the 6’X6’ mesh window in winter. Heat, and most importantly moisture, will escape between the roof trusses this way.

Once upon a time, when we were chicken newbies, we insulated our coop. Airtight. Too well. Luckily, that was during the warmer winters of a decade ago. But, even with lows around 20°F I noticed a LOT of humidity in that coop.

Poop in the Coop

As air gets colder it loses its ability to hold moisture. Add to that, the fact that chicken poop also contains all the urate (what humans would pee separately) and you’ve got a high percentage of water to deal with. The urate is also where that ammonia smell comes from. Most people keep a minimum of 4-6 hens in a relatively small space in urban/suburban settings.

So, let’s imagine it’s one of those -10F mornings and they’ve been in there all night (PS- chickens poop in their sleep) cooped up… then they go outside with colder temps, and maybe some wind chill, the dampness surrounding their combs quickly becomes frozen and you’ve got a hen with frostbite in a few minutes.

With colder but dry combs as the hens come out of the coop, they’re much less likely to get frostbite. So, you can see how important good ventilation becomes!

One of the basics is keeping chickens dry – and if you didn’t notice over your honey-moon period of chicken keeping over the summer- chickens release a LOT of poop, around 1/3  – ½ pound per day depending on the breed. That $#% needs somewhere to escape! If you’re really interested in the chicken digestive tract, and not squeamish about lots of chicken poop pictures, Check out Fresh Eggs Daily’s post: All About Chicken Poop.

Poop Plate ready for scraping off poopsicles!

Here’s where I’ll give a big Shout out to the “Poop Plate”. This is any board (or piece of metal for really easy scraping) that you put below the roosts to catch poop, because remember chickens poop in their sleep! This makes cleaning the coop so much easier in winter.

The back side of the fencing is covered in plastic, notice no snow on that side!

Lots of northern chicken tenders enclose their chicken run to some extent. I usually tack on an old clear plastic shower curtain or some garden poly. This lets light in, but keeps wind and snow out. It can even get a little like a greenhouse on calm, sunny days. I tend to wrap just two sides, because the whole idea is to have them outside, and it’s only on the coldest days that I’ll confine them into either the inner coop, or the coop  + run.

How Cold is Too Cold?

As always, I think watching your chickens and see where they hang out is your best chance for raising happy hens. There’s no hard and fast rule to how cold chickens can survive because it depends on the breed, any wind and relative humidity. But generally, if it’s not getting above 0°F I don’t let mine out. If it’s only going to get to single digits, I tend to let them out in the afternoon- and keep them in the run so they don’t get so involved in scratching they forget how cold they are. This usually only happens a handful of times every winter.

We also try to have a solid covering in place for winter over the run, this really helps keep snow out. This not only makes it nicer for the girls in winter, but also in spring when everything melts having snowpack underfoot becomes one HUGE mess! Ask me how I know 😉 *We usually have small run areas, 4’X6” or 3’X8’.

I know some of our chickens hated going into the snow and would only venture out after others had forged a path. Others would fly into the middle of a snowy backyard without a care. Both are normal. Both are OK.

Hay There!

Add more hay. We use hay in our garden to insulate plants, and in our coop to insulate the chickens. We’ll be trying the deep litter method again this winter. This is the practice of adding more hay to the spent bedding throughout the winter and letting it decompose in place. While this sounds gross, it’s actually pretty cool, *if* you can keep the moisture down.  The idea is come spring, you’ll have some finished (or nearly finished) compost for the garden. The decomposing hay and chicken poop give off heat, a nice bonus during our cold winters.

You’ll also want to make sure that ALL the chickens can comfortably fit on a roost up off the ground as sleeping on the floor invites disease and is colder. They also appreciate a roost off the ground outside in winter!

Coop Heaters

A point of contention for some chicken tenders is whether to heat the coop. Heating the coop can keep your chickens from getting acclimated to the winter temps and they’ll end up staying inside more; getting less fresh air and less chance to move around and forage. It can also pose a fire hazard if a cord is near or on the ground. You may think you’ve got the cord tucked away, but seriously chickens can be worse than rock stars at an after party.

We never heated our coops until a friend gave us this heater with her hens that we added to our flock. I will say they serve a purpose. It goes back to we do use a timed light bulb to add light hours to their days. Adding light keeps chickens laying eggs more consistently. Chickens slow down and speed back up their laying with the seasons, unless given a little supplemental light. We usually set it to go off an hour or two before normal sunrise, starting around November, going until February. I’d suggest starting earlier in the morning rather than at night, because a light that suddenly goes off might catch a hen off guard. This means a hen could spend the night on the ground and will end up more stressed out as a result.

The Hens

It never fails, I always have that one hen that starts molting about the time the temperature dips. I take care to give hens molting in cold weather extra dry spaces, as girls without feathers around their necks or under wings are the only hens that might have a hard time staying warm enough.

In general chickens are very capable of keeping themselves warm. While they aren’t exactly like wild birds (think chickadees and cardinals) remember they are birds. Some birds hang out in Minnesota (and even colder places!) all winter long. That said, cold tolerance varies with breed; larger breeds being the best in cold climates mostly due to body mass.

Frost Bite + Comb Care

Frost bite can harm our hens quickly and permanently. It can happen within a few minutes but is avoidable. The bigger, thinner and more ridged the comb, the easier it is to get frostbite. I’ll give a shout out to pea combs here. Those tiny, barely-there combs hardly ever get frost bite because they have good blood supply and are so close to the head. Big floppy combs, while adorable will need some extra care in a typical Minnesota winter.

You can see a bit of frostbite on this buff’s comb, black tip and then white.

When it gets “January Cold”, as my kids call it- I bring out the small jar of coconut oil and place it above the wood stove to have at the ready. Coating the combs and wattles creates a waterproof barrier between the skin and the cold. Not very insulating, but it keeps the wet off. And remember Cold + Moisture causes frostbite faster on combs. Have I pounded that in enough?

Even so – I like to push the limits and let my girls outside as much as possible, and mine have gotten frostbite. You’ll first see white tips on their combs. Then they will turn black. Really bad cases the affected parts will fall off. This is very painful for your hens, and we try to avoid this at all costs.

Food + Water

As always, give your hens plentiful feed, indoors and outdoors, as long as it can be kept dry. I tend to up their protein during the transition time too, this especially helps that one hen who’s always molting. The protein can be ground up nuts, leftover beans, or a few extra meal worms. I also make up some fun winter treats like garland from produce past its prime; like apples, kale/broccoli leaves, cabbages, and even cranberries. Another favorite treat to feed inside the coop (because it is dry and full of extra energy for when it is really cold and they are stuck inside the coop) is the “Flock Block”

Some people put dog waterers inside, and this just seems like a mess waiting to happen. If you have a smaller backyard coop, please do not put an open topped heated dog waterer inside your coop. Chickens will walk through, poop in, and just get wet (wet = cold) with open water inside a coop.

We use a simple heating pad under the regular waterer which is raised up off the ground. This keeps the water clean, and thawed on all but the coldest of mornings. We just inherited a heated waterer unit and plan on using this outside the coop for an additional water source during the winter to replace the extra water dishes I fill up in the summer.

The girls love snacking on my harvested microgreen trays before composting.

I will typically add a tablespoon or two of Apple Cider Vinegar to their water once a week just to help their systems. ACV is one of my secret winter weapons to keeping my flock healthy.

I also keep greens around for them for calcium and for something to work at in the winter. I am a huge fan of brassica leaves for my hens. This gives them a great boost of calcium, plus so many other nutrients. It also keeps them busy. I toss over the lower/larger broccoli, cauliflower, beet and kale leaves all summer. I purposefully leave some brassica plants standing in the garden as long as I can to break off leaves and parcel them out to the girls. Later in winter/early spring they get leaves I’ve frozen for them.

Keep it FUN

Adding some herbs, like thyme, mints, lemon balm or oregano to their bedding isn’t necessary, but is a nice extra line of defense. Thyme and oregano have serious herbal benefits with anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, and antioxidant effects. I add herbs to their bedding, which they scratch in too, to give them a leg up on any congestion issues they might get. *I use thyme tea to sooth my own sore throats and coughs too.

For a real treat, we’ll string up a cabbage, or set out a chicken treat stick. We plan to give them some ‘garland’ for a Christmas treat – and if you missed it, I just presented my girls with a pumpkin Rooster- ha! I wanted to leave with you a reminder that keeping chickens is FUN!

I’ve got some video on winter prep under my “Chicken TV” Stories on Instagram, if you’re looking for visual how to’s!

Me and my old girl Sassy

I hope this helps prepare you for a FUN winter of chicken keeping in the bold north! Let me know if you have other tips and tricks for keeping your hens happy all winter long!

Dig In,


21 Roots Farm

Welcome to 21 Roots Farm

As you drive up the country lane you can’t help but feel the at home arriving to this teaching farm. This unique farm combines a quaint country landscape with wagon loads of knowledge and passion to empower people with developmental disabilities.

This is one of those magical places where time stands still, and you get to simply BE in the moment; whether you are visiting the apple orchard, chickens, cats, goats, donkeys, cows, bee hives, gardens or meandering wildflower paths.

But there is a lot more than wondering and wandering happening on these 21 acres. just north east of the Twin Cities.

Teaching Farm

As a teaching farm, the space is specifically designed for adults and children with disabilities. They offer seasonal day programming and special events throughout the year as a way to “foster inclusive connections that are rooted in real life.”

What a gift to the community the three main staff have cultivated with sweat equity – and a guardian angel who wishes to remain anonymous.

I first met up with the team on a frigid + snowy day in January, and like all good farm folks, they were deep into dream mode! Even in the snow they shared their vision of hands-on activities giving those with disabilities a chance to commune with nature and each other.

That dreaming and planning paid off this summer. Even with Covid, they continued with programming for most of their farmers, a huge feat considering the current situation. I see it as more evidence of the commitment to their vocation, the farmers and animals who know this teaching farm as home.

It certainly takes a deep commitment to keep a farm like this up and running. Three highly trained and passionate staff keep things sprouting and running.

Meet the FarmHers

Laura, Amy and Brittany of 21 Roots

Meet the brains, brawn and heart of 21 Roots. Like any great team they create a synergy together that is inspiring to watch.

Amy – Co founder and Farm Operations
Brittany– Co founder and Program Manager
Laura – Farm Manager

The Origin Story

Amy and Brittany were college friends and the dream to open something like 21 Roots Farms took hold shortly after they graduated. After gathering ideas and experiences, they are living the dream! They purchased the farm (with the help of a guardian angel) in October of 2018, have now gained 501(c)3 status and are offering the nature-based programming they’ve dreamed of.

The Farm Land

A variety of hands-on experiences center around sustainable farming practices. They have an orchard full of fruit trees; cherry trees that produce enough to be used by Sarah’s Tipsy Pies, and apple trees heavy with fruit every fall! The chickens also hang out up in the orchard and are much loved (read chased!) by all the visiting farmers!

The larger animals; their cows, donkeys and goats are kept in the big red barn seem to be the real stars…They have an adorable page dedicated to their animals, I highly recommend visiting the “Meet the Animals” page on 21 Roots to get in your daily does of cute!

They have a few different field and garden spaces where they’re growing food crops as well. Raised beds with square foot gardening grids sit next to wide open rows of crops.

The garden area even has a fun potato growing bin- my kids thought this was the coolest potato plant they’ve ever seen- because they could actually SEE it! I mean really, how cool is that!

The underground worm bin and hot compost in the chicken area are other working experiments that show the love of learning from real life that the farm provides.

The wildflower fields are thanks to the previous owners’ prairie restoration project that was started a few years back and is flourishing now.

The Programs

The farm offers day programs, which were able to continue even during Covid as all activities are held outside and were capped at 10 ‘farmers’. Different days focus on slightly different facets of the farm, but all days include time to love on the animals and appreciate nature doing her thing. The personal attention and innovative farming and teaching techniques make for a bit of learning magic!

Farm to Home Animal Yoga Video

The Popular ‘Farm to Home’ videos cover bite size pieces of information while up close and personal with animals. Sometimes reading children’s books, sometimes just hanging with the cast of animal characters on the farm. Another gift they freely give to us all.

I joined in the fun this summer during one of their “Wednesday Explorers” sessions. We talked about seed saving, walked their wildflower fields and made pollinator seed bombs. What a fun way to spread my love of gardening!

We’re planning a seed saving event of a larger scale this fall as well- if you’re interested in saving seed from this farm’s prairie restoration area for use in local Seed Libraries, please contact me directly by commenting on this post, or messaging me on social media!

Part of the Sunflower Circle + Barn

Get Involved

Like any nonprofit 21 Roots always benefits from both volunteers and donations. They have a volunteer interest form you can fill out online and a link to donate as well.

Your time and efforts will reap more than you sow – it’s just that kind of place. Every time I visit I leave feeling good knowing this farm is out there, ready and waiting to serve as inspiration to keep adults and children with disabilities learning from and connecting with nature.

Simply being at 21 Roots Farm helps your spirit roam wild, while cultivating a sense of community. Choose to volunteer or donate and be part of living out the motto “it’s not the destination it’s the journey”.

Go to for more information on programming and how you can help today.

Find a way to dig in to this local teaching farm and you’ll be happy as a Kid again 😉

– Michelle

Get Your Family to Eat More Veggies!

Tips and tricks from a gardening Mom on how to get your kids (and stubborn adults) to eat more veggies. This is high summer in the garden and wow is there a LOT of fresh food coming in.

Really, how are we supposed to make dinner EVERY night?!? Not to mention, breakfast, lunch and ALL THE SNACKS… Even with easy to incorporate veggies like cucumbers and green beans, we can all get in a rut.

Since “Food is Fun” is one of my mottos, I’ve gathered a few simple tricks over the years…  And these are different than the hide the veggies in the food ideas- which I used to do, but really we should be loud + proud when we eat more veggies!

PS- There is NO SUBSTITUTE for home grown / locally grown produce because when food naturally tastes good it is easy to eat!

Snack Tray

AKA ‘kid version’ of the Charcuterie board… chopping raw veggies and slicing cheese, putting out a few nuts, crackers, sourdough and of course some dips like hummus and dressings… and boom meal complete.

**Look for different colors, shapes and sizes of familiar foods.** There are ‘Lemon’ and ‘Dragon Egg’ cucumbers to keep them eating more. Purple, yellow, red and white carrots are pretty cool too!

Sauté  Saves the Day

This high heat browning technique is quickest way to add layers of flavor to veggies. Starting with onion + garlic, toss in larger chunks/slower to cook veggies first, then and add shredded veggies- and maybe some peppers or tomatoes for flavor. One of my favorite combos is chard,kale or beet greens with onion and garlic and adding in some tomato to up the acidity and create a little sauce base.

Variety of Beets ready for the grill

Just Grill It

Like roasting in the winter, grilling in the summer adds so much flavor to food! A family favorite is roasted peppers, onions + zucchini, with an olive oil and salt + pepper prep. The fun part is drizzling a little dressing on afterwards. Salad Girl’s “Curry Fig” is phenomenal on zucchini after- or if you place veggies on foil while grilling, marinating in it first.

Shape Shift

My mandolin is a meal saver, because I can shred zucchini into coleslaw or a salad base, I can shave carrots, beets or kohlrabi into ribbons or sheets, or even regular old cabbage into instant salads- using the same tried and true veggies my family loves- but presenting them in different ways makes it more fun for my kids – and I’ll be honest- more fun me and my hubby too.

Herbal Appeal

Three kids of Basil, each with their own unique flavor adds to the fun of Italian Salads!

Most of us have a few potted herbs around, this is the time to use them! Most herbs do much better after getting a pruning anyway, and you’ll add fresh intense flavors to your meals. Thyme with lemony dishes, of course adding basil to Italian dishes, and chives to anything with eggs (including hard boiled) just brightens up the flavors. I’ll also add in that many herbs are VERY easy to dry simply by hanging if you start snipping and realize you have a LOT of green!


Quick pickling is a life saver as the dog days of summer wear on- I use a simple quick pickle recipe- and I have found adding a little of Salad Girl’s “Lemony Herb” to the mix goes a long way… Any veggie you enjoy raw makes a good candidate for these. From cucumbers, carrots, green beans, radishes, zucchini, cauliflower…all great ways to eat more veggies.

Basic Quick Pickle Recipe

1 Cup cider vinegar, 1 Cup water, ¼ honey or sugar, 1 T kosher salt. Heat brine to dissolve and combine, pour over jars packed with veggies, seal and refrigerate for at least 24 hours. Enjoy for a few weeks, if they last that long.

Adding quick pickles to salads is a great way to jazz up salads that soak up lots of flavor- also amazing over potatoes. This recipe is meant to be played with so make it your own! My seasonings have included; mustard seeds, garlic, fennel leaves, dill, onion slices, peppercorn, hot peppers, bell peppers, ginger, any garden fresh herbs).

Ferment It!

Another, healthier version of pickling is fermentation, and it doesn’t use vinegar- but you end up with that puckering taste, plus TONS of amazing gut friendly good bacteria… if you’re interested check out my blog on different ways to pickle + ferment your beans, cucumbers, carrots etc. into crispy, crunchy snacks that last months in your refrigerator.

Summer Fun

I love summer – and spending it OUTSIDE is key… so I try hard to make fast work of preserving and putting up food now to enjoy all winter long.  Don’t forget you can freeze things like tomatoes and shredded zucchini to cook with later.

**There’s a reason meal kit services are all the rage right now… but that’s just not my world and the packaging, delivery and processing takes adds up to a hefty carbon footprint that takes a toll on our world too.**

I hope this helps you find new ways to remind yourself that Food is Fun! Please share your tips for getting your family to eat more veggies too!

Dig In,

Great Garlic Scapes

Garlic Lovers Unite!

I love a good two for one and garlic delivers every time!

This bulb is used to flavor foods the world over, and one of the best kept secrets about garlic is the garlic scape!

Because of the way hardneck garlic grows there are two chances to harvest deliciousness. We all know about garlic cloves, technically the bulb, harvested in late summer… but the beautiful reed like stalks shooting up and the single flower stalk that shoots up from the center, around midsummer in my region, are a delicacy known as the scape.

The garlic scape is slightly milder and somehow ‘brighter’ than the underground cloves. They can be eaten raw or cooked with the flavor changing drastically after heating. I enjoy eating them in a few different ways. In a garlic scape pesto (recipe below), grilling them with a drizzle of olive oil and a squeeze of lemon juice- when they magically taste like asparagus, or fermenting for a spicy mid-winter snack.

They show up around midsummer in farmers markets, but the surest way to gather garlic scapes is to grow your own!

For ALL the Details on Planting Garlic, Read my Growing Great Garlic post.

Harvesting Garlic Scapes

Once the garlic scapes have curled around and you can see where a flower will emerge from, it’s time to get snipping. The softer the scape, the more tender eating- so you take them when you want, depending on your end goals… I usually harvest almost all at once, so I get a variety of maturity, I use the larger ones in pesto, and the smaller ones I grill or ferment.

*You will also want to snip off the flower tips and add to the compost as the buds can harbor bad bacteria and I just don’t dig the texture*

Garlic Scape Pesto Recipe

1 Cup + of garlic scapes, chopped
½ Cup Basil
Juice ½ lemon
½ tsp+ salt
½ C Extra Virgin Olive Oil
¼ Cup sunflower seeds or pine nuts
¼ C grated Parmesan / Parmigiano Reggiano cheese 

Place scapes in food processor (or Ninja) and pulse to chop finely, add all ingredients but the olive oil and pulse until well combined. Then drizzle in (or add in batches to Ninja) olive oil. Try to freeze half for a mid-winter burst of summer flavor! *If using raw seeds or nuts, toast before using.

What’s your favorite way to enjoy garlic scapes?

Dig in!


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