The best way to extend your local food season is to know a few simple tricks to preserving- some canning, freezing, drying and cooking ahead of time can have you eating your garden and farmer’s market produce through the winter.

Find out more about simple ways to preserve fresh produce without losing nutrition in the University of Minnesota’s “5 Minute Modules”. These 5 minute videos are a nice way to get comfortable with ways to keep local food around all year long. You can learn things like,  “Under refrigeration produce may loose half of its vitamins in one to two weeks” makes you wonder how many vitamins those strawberries still have left – right?

If you can freeze, dry or can it you can find it here: National Center for Home Food Preservation 

Like all the ideas around here, I urge you to just get your fork in the dirt! If you’re new to preserving just try out one idea, or up your game and can like a pro- in which case you can give me lessons too!