WBL Winter Farmers Market Shopping Page
Direct Link to Pre-Order For Winter Farmers Market:
Coming Soon
But you can browse the selection HERE
Meet Adrienne and hear a little of why she’s so passionate about brining cultured foods to her neighbors!
Adrienne of Kiss My Cabbage crafts small-batch, lacto-fermented Sauerkraut, Kimchi, Giardiniera, Curtido and seasonal inspirations. We always use organically grown produce and spices when not buying directly from the Farmer. (And I’ve seen her at markets, she buys A LOT of organic cabbage and spices from the other farmers)
She sources directly from local farms that use certified organic growing methods during the late Summer/Fall/early Winter season. Based in St. Croix Falls, WI, an hour north of the Twin Cities.
Follow Kiss My Cabbage on Instagram