Best of Garden Podcasts

As an avid gardener and garden writer, let me tell you, I’ve listened to a lot of garden podcasts… and some are better than others.

I’ve also had the joy of being interviewed by over a dozen podcast hosts (you’ll see some of their names below).

There’s something soothing about listening to others who’ve ‘been there and done that’. I love listening as I work with my hands or out on walks. If you’re not a podcast listener, I have to say (even as a lover of the written word) you are missing out!

Two smiling women looking at the camera
Stephanie and I during a farmers market shopping spree!

Listen to podcasts where my coauthor Stephanie and I are interviewed about our book, Small-Scale Homesteading HERE, scroll about ½ way down for the list of links.

The following podcasts have given me inspiration, new ideas and company as I go about my days. While these are mostly gardening focused, I figured I’d share all my favorite podcasts… in a general order of how many episodes I’ve listened to over the years.

My Favorite Garden Podcasts

*Note – these either link to a main website or the Spotify podcast page as I did this from my desktop computer*

The Joe Gardener Show
Joe Lamp’l is a legend and for good reason, he’s interviewed so many experts, plus talks in depth about how he grows great gardens- I absolutely love geeking out on gardening with him!

The BEETThe Epic Gardening Daily Podcast
Kevin Espiritu of EPIC Gardening doles out short frequent podcasts where he interviews experts and riffs on questions asked by gardeners in these short, easy to binge episodes.

Cultivating Place
Jennifer Jewell’s delightful deep-dive program focused on conservation, natural history and gardening. She interviews enchanting guests that make this seasoned gardener question the how and why and think about gardening in new ways!

The Gardenangelists
Dee Nash of RedDirtRamblings and Carol Michel of IndyGardener come together to talk “Flower, Veggies and all the Best Dirt” every week. They’re both garden authors, speakers garden coaches and know how convert anyone into the gardening life.

Minnesota Gardening Podcast
Brad Tabke talks about gardening in the north and so much more. Focusing on eco-friendly gardening practices, this is one I always try to catch.

Beginners Garden Podcast
Jill McSheehey guides listeners through both interviews and personal experience. She’s got great garden tips, resources and ideas for home gardeners. She is in the south but lots of her advice is applicable everywhere.

Food Garden Life Show
New co-hosts Steven Biggs and Donna Balzer took over from the father-daughter duo from Canada. They keep it real and do both interviews with experts and deep dives into how they grow, especially growing food that shouldn’t be able to grow as far north as they are.

Growing Joy with Maria
Focused on the indoor plant lover, Maria interviews all shades of plant lovers, while letting plants nurture us in return.

The Good Dirt is hosted by the mother daughter duo of Mary & Emma and focuses on sustainable lifestyle from the soil on up. I appreciate listening to their relationship as much as the topics covered.

Raised bed vegetable garden with lush green summer growth.
Podcasts can help us envision better gardens and better ways to tend them and ourselves.

Well Loved Plant Podcasts

In Defense of Plants
Matt Candeias offers up his true love of plants in these shows that take deeper dives into specific topics about plants – not necessarily on how to grow them better, but about reverence for them.

Let’s Argue About Plants
The editors of Fine Gardening bring this fun, informative podcast tackles all things gardening. You’ll listen to the insights (and polite arguments) and hear from today’s leading horticultural minds.

My Favorite Non-Garden Podcasts

On Being with Krista Tippet
“Wisdom to replenish and orient in a tender, tumultuous time to be alive.
Spiritual inquiry, science, social healing, and poetry. Conversations to live by.”

Coffee with the Chicken Ladies is hosted by best friends Holly & Christie is all about chickens. I love how they break up their podcast into segments including interviews, breed deep dives and product reviews.

Good Together The Brightly brand’s podcast on eco-friendly sustainable living

Suggestions from Readers like You

The Grow Guide A newer grower, Maggie Wysocki teams up with master grower Dave Hanson to chat on all those questions that new gardeners have, but with a deep dive. They’re in Manitoba so this is especially for my northern gardeners.

Pioneering Today is hosted by Melissa K Norris and homesteading focused.

Foodie Pharmacology , hosted by ethnobotanist, Dr. Cassandra Quave, this looks at food topics through a scientific lens.

I love listening as I harvest, weed and preserve from the garden

Audio Books I Adore

Have you heard of it’s a way to listen to audio books that supports local book stores! It’s my new favorite way to sidestep amazon/audible.

My favorite audio books so far…

Wendell Berry’s The Unsettling of America read by Nick Offerman
Braiding Sweetgrass read by Author Robin Wall Kimmerer
The Story of More read by author Hope Jahren

I hope these garden podcasts and audio books help us all dream of doing better with the plants, earth and time that we have.

So, what’s your favorite podcast? Please share here or on one of my social media sites because as you can tell- I’d love to listen…
Let’s continue the chat on Instagram or Facebook!

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1 Comment

  1. Kathy Kramer

    Thanks for this list!

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