I hope you’ve all been enjoying the Holidays! The addition of our wood burning stove has added greatly to our sense of Hygge during this Minnesota Winter.
For many of us this time of year brings deeper self-reflection. I’ve been taking stock of the past year and dreaming of the next since before the Winter Solstice. So much happened in the last 365 days
that I hadn’t planned for that it feels a little silly to make more than a rough outline for the coming 365. And yet without a plan I follow too many tangents…
And yet, life grows on. Even with a frozen surface (and finally some snow), our Earth is still breathing deep and slow- readying herself for another round of explosive growth come spring. But Mother Earth has slowed down too for the time being; so I’m doing my best to follow suit. In this busy time of year (holidays), life (with two littles), and building a business (Forks) it is becoming apparent I NEED to make time and space for me. Time for self-care and listening to my own thoughts. Time for taking charge of my own health beyond gardening and healthy eating.
Being able to look back and see the goals I set for myself and how they played out and how they affected how I spent my time- is almost more revealing than if they were accomplished or not. I am a stubborn one so if I set a goal, I’m likely to make sure it happens. Beware the woman who takes on too much, she gets grumpy with overwhelm. Anyone else over the overwhelm!?!
Taking a Look Back
I love being able to look back at goals I set from the previous year. Last year I did this in a BLOG POST. The goals are listed below-
My 2018 goals for Forks in the Dirt:
*Meeting and writing about more local farmers – Yup and it was FUN
*Inspiring awareness in the food choices we make,- I think So (not sure ow to measure this one)
What do you think??
the White Bear Lake Winter Farmers Market. Check- Three markets attended by 800 people,
with more vendors, food trucks and new community info partners
My personal goals for 2018:
*Planning for and planting our doubled vegetable garden space – We planted and grew in all the spaces of the garden
*Preserving more of my own food (dehydrating, freezing, fermenting and canning) -I gave away more food, so there’s less in my freezer but canned a little more
*Finding a local sustainable source for organic oats and chicken meat –Yes on the chicken meat, and I have a source for Oats just haven’t gotten there yet
*Becoming a better Chicken + Kid Mom –Well, My kids are still alive- my chickens are not. More on this in a future blog post.
*Finding more of that elusive “Balance” – EPIC FAIL
What I could see from looking back was that EPIC FAIL– the “Balance” ties into what I was already feeling the need to focus on for 2019. A part of that balance for me is giving myself grace when I don’t measure up (OK, more like a huge part).
What do you want to Grow?
What you water will grow
Finding those sweet spots when you lose yourself in the work because you are so fully engaged is what I long for- you too? For me those moments come in many aspects of gardening- the planning, the planting, the tending, the harvesting, the cooking of the food I get to grow. It also comes in writing; at least in the beginning when I’m so excited tot share an idea- not so much the editing 😉. Meeting like minded garden geeks is another way I fuel my passions as well. Setting up interviews to learn more from farmers and others working towards local food ways is a priority. Volunteering at the food shelves also helps me get out of my ‘self’. So, more of all that is on the books for 2019.
enJOY the JOY
Now to show you all just how nerdy I can get… there is a phenomenon recently proven by neuroscience that I want to share. The Velcro vs Teflon paradox. The basic concept is that you need to appreciate (or contemplate) positive thoughts longer to have the same effect as a negative thought. The positive thoughts or feelings slide away unless you savor them consciously for at least 15-30 seconds. Within that time, the thought positively imprints and can stay with you. You can listen more HERE during 13:20-14:30 minutes in this Liturgists podcast with Richard Rohr (two of my favorites together). Or read more about the idea of savoring positivity HERE.
Both my Wood Stove and Winter break time with my boys has helped me set this practice into motion. I hope I can keep with it because I can already feel the effects!
Goal Setting
I will set more measurable goals as well. Starting more veggie
seeds under grow lights and building a cold frame (FINALLY!). I’ve also recently
fallen in love again with Indigenous Foods and plan to explore those foods and
farmers more this year. Along with goals like keeping up my volunteering at the
food shelves and working with more children in my town, both at the WBL YMCA
and at the elementary schools.
*But these goals will all take a seat behind my main focus of growing my self.*
I love a good book, and I found a few new favorites this last year. Did you find a book that did your garden or soul good? Please share it with me!
A few of my favorite books from 2018:
Year Round Gardener & Veggie Garden Re-Mix: by Nikki Jabbour
Sioux Chef: By Sean Sherman + Beth Dooley
Lab Girl: by Hope Jahren
OK- EnJOY these last days of 2018 and here’s to a big old CHEERS to 2019- looking forward to digging in and growing with you all!