Category: Local Food (Page 9 of 13)

All about local food finding in the Twin Cities

Seed Saving for Home Gardeners

Garden Fresh Food

It is that time of year gardeners… Everything is ripening, and FAST in the garden right now. So right now is the time to start looking at your plants’ produce not just as food- but also as seed for next year’s garden crops. Time to start seed saving!

I started saving seeds because I got behind on picking my pole beans. When I found a few (ok, lots) of bean pods that were swollen and starting to yellow and a light bulb turned on. I didn’t have to toss these inedible beans into the compost- I could let these keep growing and save these to plant for more beans next year.

It was a sublimely empowering moment. One I want you to have too!

Beginners Luck

I got lucky starting with one of the easiest seeds to save. For the first few years I saved mostly bean varieties and native flowers. I’m still a novice when it comes to saving seeds. Which is why I’m the perfect person to pass the torch: if I can do it – you can too! I want you to feel that same kind of power that saving your own seeds invites.

The Barn + Diane’s Garden at Heritage Farm, Seed Savers Exchange. Photo Credit: Molly Moe

Seed Savers Exchange

Diane Ott Whealy and I in her magical heirloom garden. Photo credit Molly Moe

First- I want to give a shout out to the Seed Savers Exchange for their recent Summer Conference and Campout on Heritage Farm. I’m still buzzing with all the new information I brought home. I had to share some of what I learned with you all!

They’ve built a vibrant community of dedicated volunteers and staff, all starting with co-founders Diane Ott Whealy and Kent Whealy in 1975. I was lucky enough to meander through Diane’s gardens with her at the beginning of the weekend. Continue reading

Farmers Markets Summer 2018

Get your Fix of Farm Fresh the easy way, there’s a farmers market almost everyday!

I really like really local food… So of course I wanted to share my favorite Farmers Markets in my corner of the Twin Cities with you!

I shop these markets to: buy ‘new to me’ varieties to test before I grow myself, buy in bulk for preserving and to buy the crops farmers have started early or keep growing late in greenhouses to extend our local fresh food season. I also love chatting with the farmers and vendors, and I get some good insight into my own home gardens listening to the experts.

We are absolutely feeling the bounty of local farmers’ hard work up North right now. The food rolling in is dripping with sun ripened sweetness; from the cucumbers  to the zucchinis. And with a little planning, can be served on your table the same day it was picked! These Summer bounties make our MN Winters worth it, am I right!?!

For tips and secrets on ‘how to’ shop a Farmers Market like a pro, read this article! 

Summer 2018 Farmers Markets

Continue reading

Pick Your Own Blueberry Farm

Pick Your Own Blueberry Farms are becoming more popular and for good reason! PYO Farms bring together the best of summer- getting to spend time in the great outdoors in a beautiful setting, with friends + family, all working towards a tasty end goal; buckets full of blueberries! This is local food bliss. Blueberry Fields of Stillwater brings a sweet mixture of this bliss to their guests each year.Rows of netting covered blueberry fields

**Updated article 7/10/23**

Two women in straw hats standing in a blueberry fieldSummer took over Blueberry Fields of Stillwater in early 2022, and she is just as in love with the farm, connections to the earth, blueberries and customers as the previous owners. 

Blueberry Fields of Stillwater

As Summer explains, “I was looking to make a change and for a place where I could be more in tune with nature, while still being part of the community.  When I saw the Blueberry Fields of Stillwater property, I just knew it was where I needed to be.  The love, care, and hard work that Bev and Mike O’Connor put into the Blueberry Fields was evident; the land just sang to me.  I am so grateful that they were willing to let me carry on what they had started. They have been so helpful and supportive to me in teaching me the craft of blueberry growing hands on here at the Blueberry Fields of Stillwater.”

Getting the how to pick info from staff at Blueberry farm before picking our own.

So- same great blueberries, same ORGANIC farming practices, new smiling face. I’m in.

Is it the farm’s rolling hills and pastoral setting? Or the acres of immaculately maintained spacious rows all bursting with blueberries? Maybe it’s all the energy and love that farmers have poured into the land?

If you’ve never picked your own blueberries before no worries, they’re every bit as easy as strawberries and raspberries. You can just roll them between your fingers and the ripe ones will kind of fall off. You can easily tell the ripe from unripe berries. Continue reading

Local Food For Thought

I love that when I took a step back and looked at why I care about local food so much, the answers came full circle! Of course, nature had her answer all wrapped up like that. And just for the record, no one knows exactly what ‘local food’ means… some say it is food grown ‘within 100 miles’ of the purchase, others say ‘in my state’.

Here’s a quick(ish) look into why I believe taking the extra effort to eat local pays off in dividends larger than we can measure.

Nothing beats sun ripened home grown tomatoes!

Local Food Tastes Better 

Fresh + local food just tastes better. Exhibit A> The Tomato. Homegrown varieties will leave you smiling as you savor the layers of flavor that drip off the sun warmed juices. The store bought, often packaged version of tomatoes  we get up North in winter are pale pink, mealy, styrofoam imposters. Don’t even get me started on eggs 😉

Nutritional Value

Food loses nutrients after it is harvested- up to 30% in three short days! Being able to pick a salad out of my garden or buy from a farmer that harvested earlier that day means more nutritional ‘bang’ for my buck or my work than buying food that was shipped across the country. Not to mention food flown/shipped here from another continent before it was ripe. Continue reading

It’s All Good: Organics

There’s something comforting about meeting people who are doing exactly what they’re supposed to be doing. It’s even better when they’ve taken over the family farm; better for the land, the crops, the animals- and better for us lucky people who get to eat the food they raise.

Butch and Hunter Cardinal of All Good Organics have worked hard to find their groove and they’ve really hit their stride after figuring out their unique niches.

Butch is a 5th generation farmer – OF THE SAME LAND making his son, Hunter, the 6th generation! This family has been farming their slice of heaven at 6657 Centerville Road in Hugo since 1866. The way they have farmed has swung the pendulum over their 152 years of land stewardship. “Everything was organic back when my dad was born- but then, by the 40’s chemical fertilizers and pesticides showed up. And these guys were of the mind that if a little is good, more is better. When my dad came home from WW2 it was all about the chemicals; they meant less weeding,” but it took over 50 years for most farmers to figure out that the chemicals had some major downsides.

Butch knew what we could grow as a conventional grower with the pesticides and herbicides, but he’s worked with them and didn’t want them around-. “I mean, just read the labels and directions on some of them, if I need to put on full suits and respirators to apply, I don’t want that stuff sticking around in my soil or my food.”

So when his dad asked him to help with some pumpkins years ago, he countered with wanting to grow organic vegetables too. They’d been growing conventional hay for years prior.

So, Butch brought the farm back to organic practices, and they’ve been certified since 2010. By USDA NOP (National Organic Program) the transition period is three years. Now they plant 25 acres of vegetables, many started in the 1,800 square foot greenhouse. Like most organic farms, they’ve got a ‘full circle’ approach, using each resource in many ways, and always keeping their eyes open for opportunities.

Even their little red Farm Store has a great back story. The first year they were growing organic veggies they were selling form a tent (along with a short-lived attempt to sell at farmers markets). But then the tent blew away. Next they built a shed, but outgrew that in a season. So, in 2012 they decided to ‘Go Big and Stay Home’ and built their Farm Store with coolers, freezers and a self-serve system that just feels like the good old days. Even in the depths of a Minnesota winter they are open 9-5 so you can grab a bag of fresh picked spinach, lettuces or kale, carrots, a pack of frozen squash, pickles, preserves or dried spices- all right from the farm. They work with other local farmers to bring in eggs and honey.

Some of the happy chickens who will roam free this summer!

Besides growing vegetables from Asparagus to Zucchini, they also raise meat chickens and hogs each season. This year they got 225 ‘Cornish Cross’ hatchlings which were already hanging out in the fresh air, scratching for bugs and munching grass when I was visiting. They’ve almost completed a new mobile chicken coop, called a ‘chicken tractor’ that will be ready to take the chicks into the fields any day now. He’s also waiting to pick up his hogs until the season moves ahead a little.

Preserves round out the veggies over the Winter in the farm store.

Butch estimates they are about 3 weeks behind for the season already. Last year they were planting potatoes out in mid-April, and already had the brassicas and onions in the ground. When I visited last week, everything was still on hold in the greenhouse thanks to that late April snowstorm.

In case you’re in the same boat, I asked Butch to give us his tips on planting overgrown tomato starts  (like mine are since they’ve been waiting under the grow lights much to long!

The All Good Organics greenhouse is in year-round production for the farm. They keep some hardy crops rolling from fall into winter, and start new lettuces, kale, green onions, radishes and spinach mid-February into March. “I’m lucky my dad had a thing for collecting 5-gallon buckets,” Butch joked, “because we really use a ton of them now.” By planting in bigger buckets rather than small starter flats they can let the plants keep growing without the transplant shock, it also saves a lot of labor by not having to take the time repotting each plant.

Butch has had a few years to work on streamlining his processes. He’s also got the perfect outlook for a farmer, “Something fails every year, but I don’t let that bother me because each year something turns out to be a big success too.” He’s able to take a step back and see the way nature balances things out. This year, Butch is “trying” – (please visualize his air quotes) parsnips- again. He’s pretty sure he’ll get them to grow like crazy… some season 😉.

He definitely doesn’t let a little failure slow him down. Like with Ladybugs. Butch sets free hundreds of ladybugs in his greenhouse to keep the aphids under control. He’d been searching for a good supplier and finally found a great resource through eBay for happy healthy ladybugs that won’t break the bank and ships for free.

You too can search eBay for “live lady bugs” and go organic like Butch in this video…

More Lady Bugs = Less Aphids

Like all good farmers, Butch loves planting and loves his land, “I know where every rock is, especially the ones that shake the tractors.” His joy for farming his way manifests itself as a delicious meal on your table. That love of farming was passed down from his father, who at 91 years old, was getting the roto tiller attachment ready to start opening up some fields as I spoke with Butch. Of course Butch was just as anxious to get out there, he’s got a lot of people counting on their CSAs for the season- there are a few left if you want to SIGN UP FOR THE ALL GOOD ORGANICS CSA.

For Butch and his farming family all the work, all the risks, all the failures and successes add up to “All Good”.

It’s time to let the professionals get to work with their tractors, I’m heading back out to get my fork in the dirt.

Keep Digging In!


One Year of Digging In!

Ringing in 2018!

Let’s Celebrate One Year of Forks in the Dirt!

Looking back over the first year of sharing food stories and info with whoever would listen- I had to stop and say THANK YOU! Thanks for making me so happy I took that leap of faith!!

I’ve learned more than I could have imagined; about growing food, farmers, food systems and building websites- but I also had a chance to distill what is important to me. I got to hang out with dozens of farmers on lovingly cared for land. I got to eat my way through a delicious summer and ate mostly locally grown (home preserved) food all winter.

Karin Costa helping my boys get their weekly sweet corn fix!

Officially, my website had 4,469 reads and lots of engagement over the many different posts on the blog, Facebook and Instagram… again, thanks for showing up!

*Some* of the topics covered:
Composting, Community Gardens, Farmers,  CSA’s, Planting Tips, Farmers Market Shopping Tips, Farm + Food Events, Raising Backyard Chickens, Pollinators, Food Hubs, ForagingHealthy Eating Recipes + Canning Recipes, Food Shelves, Growing for Food Shelves, the first ever Winter WBL Farmers Market and our WBL Seed Library– wheee! Continue reading

Planting your garden based on the “Dirty Dozen”

Nothing beats home grown strawberries!

Using the Environmental Working Group’s ‘Dirty Dozen‘ List to plant a Healthy Harvest!

*Post updated 4/24/2024*

I’ve used this guide for years to help me choose what I plant in my veggie patch. I pay close attention to the Environmental Working Group (EWG’s) ‘Dirty Dozen’; an annually updated list of the twelve fruits and veggies found to have the highest levels of pesticide and herbicide residue. This is a straightforward publication that can help you both in purchasing healthy food,  and planning what you want to plant. The EWG has so much well researched information; their website is worthwhile for their “Food Scores” app among others.

Why do you grow your own fruits + vegetables?

Of course the taste is far better than you can buy in the grocery store, and the nutritional value is higher because of freshness… but after a few common truths, the reasons we grow our food are as wonderfully varied as each garden. I see this as part of the inherent beauty of growing your own food.  Beauty in diversity through and through♥!

For my family, we grow what we like to eat (duh). You have to enjoy the ‘fruits’ of your labor or else tending the garden will become more work than pleasure.

One way I can easily justify spending my time hauling compost and growing seedlings is knowing how much tastier and healthier the food we’re eating is than what I can get in the grocery store. Another thing that keeps me weeding through the steamy months is how much money I’m growing- I mean saving –  my family.

For those of you interested in getting the most bang for your buck with garden space… Continue reading

Community Gardens Keep US Growing

Community Garden workday. This plot in-between a parking lot and a street grows food for a food shelf and was one of my first blogs.

Community Gardens

These gardens have the ability to take a single piece of land, work its soil collectively and deepen our growth both as individuals and part of our local community. With more people living in housing with limited or yard space, these kinds gardens are rapidly growing.

Like most things that develop organically, community gardens are as varied as the communities they take root in. The one thing all community gardens offer is garden space for gardeners to grow. It’s the ‘who, what, where, when, why and how’ that makes each garden unique.

These gardens find their homes on city, county, school district, faith based and privately owned land. Just like the kinds of produce grown, there are an infinite number of combinations and variations of garden structures limited only by the organizers’ imaginations.

The University of Minnesota’s horticultural department recently published a guide to starting a community garden and wanted to share it HERE!

Minneapolis Community Gardens

The City of Minneapolis runs eight community gardens, and has land set aside for double that in the upcoming years! Follow the link to find out more about getting  a plot at one of these maintained community gardens!
Minneapolis Community Garden Link 

Ramsey County Community Gardens

Ramsey County’s List of current Community Gardens includes 8 locations, plus a link to find the many housed within the city of St. Paul- in general these are pretty well scattered throughout the county. Find a LISTING of gardens or click on the:
Ramsey County Community  Garden MAP

Local Community Gardens

Below are a few favorite Metro community gardens where you’ll learn from others and grow so much more than food.

Edgerton Community Gardens

New gardener registration is available online if you want to nab a plot or a raised bed here. You can rent either a 12’ x 15’ plot or 4’ x 8’ raised bed (eighteen inches height, priority for raised beds will be given to those with self-reporting mobility issues, though not wheelchair accessible) for $25-35. Their season runs April 27-October 24. 

Oasis Park in Roseville

This is the largest rentable community garden I found, with 120 garden plots measuring 15’X20’. The single plots are rented for between $20-$30. Registration opens to all Roseville residents on April 2 and opens to all on April 16. Garden is open for planting May 1- October 31. Mark your calendars!

Tatum Park Community Garden

Tatum Park Community Garden is on Taylor Ave in the Hamline Midway neighborhood of St. Paul, just west of Newell Park. There are 20 plots and about 3/4 of the members are returning.  There’s a Facebook page too! Or email to grab the last of those garden plots! Their annual meeting is usually scheduled for late April. You can also email: directly.

White Bear Area YMCA Community Garden

YMCA Gardeners grew a beautiful variety of flowers and vegetables last season!

Set on the grounds of an old skate park, the garden is greening up this piece of black top.

You can contact the YMCA front desk at 651-777-8103 or message me directly to reserve a plot.

Mahtomedi Community Gardens

The Mahtomedi Community Garden on the first day of Spring, 2018

These gardens sit behind the District Education Center building on a sunny expanse of land. These are popular garden beds, measuring in at 9’X11.5’ go for $40 each. To register, follow this LINK . These gardens were lovingly started by a couple of dedicated teachers over a decade ago- thank you teachers! At least one plot is always reserved for the Mahtomedi Food Shelf. Way to grow Mahtomedi!

Health Partners Community Garden

Health Partners WBL Clinic garden all prepped and spring planted!

It just seems right that a health clinic should have access to fresh vegetables, right?!

Well some visionary Doctors and staff decided to make it happen a few years ago and the garden has been growing, and sharing its produce with the White Bear Food Shelf ever since. They have a great space and good workplace involvement, and are considering expanding this season again. This garden is maintained by the staff at the Health Partners clinic as a way to build their own community, and ‘be the change’.

Sumner Park Community Garden

Community Gardens are inspiring people to get growing all across this beautiful land of ours, hopefully I’ve inspired you to look into a way you can get involved in a community garden near you!

If you happen to have space on your own lot for another garden bed, and you want to grow more food FOR your community, consider starting a giving garden of your own!

I’ve got serious Spring Fever and can’t wait to Dig In!


CSA’s So Many Ways

I’m already a pretty big fan of supporting your local farmer, and YOU all are my wonderful community- so “Community Supported Agriculture” is an obvious sweet spot.

**Updated 2/21/2023 with current links**

Turnip Rock Farm’s very own Farmer Josh

CSA’s (Community Supported Agriculture) have been around for in some form or another since the mid 1980’s- which first struck me as a much shorter history than I’d imagined. But, then I realized that the CSA idea came about jointly from both Farmers and consumers looking for new ways to grow good food- and eat good food.

This was one way to make a concrete change in how those consumers ate, and who grew their food. The basic idea of a CSA is that farmers get the purchase price up front to help cover costs of the upcoming farming season. With farmers knowing that they have that money, they are able to move forward with confidence, and maybe without a bank breathing down their necks…

Half Share from 2017, Photo Credit: Big River Farms

The rewards for a member of a CSA are manyfold; fresh in-season produce boxed up and ready to go weekly at a pick up location of your choice, often with a newsletter or recipe ideas included. As I see it, the biggest reward is building a relationship with a farmer.

My husband and I purchased our first CSA back about nine years ago to get fresh, locally grown produce while I was still working full time. It is kind of funny that I can’t remember the name of the farm, but I do remember I picked up my weekly boxes from one of the quaint little shops (The Nest) in downtown White Bear Lake. I never met the farmer, and there was never an invite from the farmer to do so.

CSAs give you a few of everything each week, instead of everything all at once! Photo Credit, Costa Farm

Things have changed, on both the farmer and the consumer sides. Farmers are being more proactive in forging relationships, and consumers are looking for more than good food grown cheap- more and more, the people buying CSAs are doing it for a chance to connect to a farm, a farmer, a piece of land…and to benefit from the GOOD food these farmers provide.

Now that the CSA idea has had time to take root- it has also branched out in a few different directions. For this article, I’ve chosen a few local farms that represent the wide variety of options available to those of us lucky enough to live around the Twin Cities. Each of the following farms has a unique twist to them, showing again there’s so many ways to grow good food!

I would absolutely recommend any of the farms covered- but I’d also urge you to do your own research too, there are more and more (yay!) CSAs popping up every year. Currently, according the powerful MNGrown CSA search engine there are 86 CSAs in Minnesota. Use these ‘case studies’ as a launch pad to get yourself thinking what you want out of a CSA… Continue reading

Garden Dreams ⇒ Garden Goals

I know you’ve felt it too, even though its still cold- the days are longer, the sun is stronger and the birds have started singing again! Time to dig in and start turning our garden dreams into garden goals. Now is the time to ensure those mouth watering harvests!

There are as many goals for a garden as there are gardeners. There are also as many ways to plan a garden as there are gardeners.

Think about what you want from a garden and go from there.

Peppers, Tomatoes, Beans and Pak Choi

  • Fresh herbs- most herbs do well in containers
  • Salsa garden- that will take some space and extra happy soil
  • Root crops-  to grow and store through the winter a cold frame might be worthwhile
  • Child’s Learning Garden- a raised bed will help in keeping little feet off seeds
  • Space to Relax– Seating and scents, gain privacy with vertical gardening structures

And those of us that like to spend a majority of our Summer’s free time in the garden; honestly assessing what worked and didn’t work from last year’s efforts will go a long way to make this season even better.

Goals for my garden this year include:
Learning how to play more with Mother Nature ~ Grow first successful celery and cauliflower crops ~  Harvest + Preserve healthy food.

Plan to Enjoy Continue reading

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