Here goes my first official Forks in the Dirt blog post; all about COMPOST! Here we cover all the composting basics you need to get started.
(Hope it doesn’t stink…ha)
*Updated 4/1/24 with some new photos and stats*
Some people make their own, some buy it in bags, some take advantage of county-run sites and pick it up by the bucket or truck load. Whichever way you get compost into your soil, it will boost your plants without adding synthetic chemicals. Equally important is keeping your food and yard waste out of landfills! The Natural Resources Defense Council has great articles and ways to get involved in reducing food waste!
the EPA estimates that, “in 2019, 66 million tons of wasted food was generated in the food retail, food service, and residential sectors“
EPA article
Those are numbers that need changing.
So let’s get composting!
Here are some different ways to let decomposition do its thing and create the fuel to grow our plants and not make extra methane in landfills.
Home Brew
Having your own compost bin is hands down the most efficient way to deal with food and yard waste. No transportation, (except a wheelbarrow) and you can manage your own supply based on your demand.
Composting Basics
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