Microgreens are so much more than the trendy ‘vegetable confetti’ you see on foodie Instagram accounts!

Beyond being photogenic, microgreens are the poster child for the phrase “Good things come in small packages”.

  • They Pack 10-40 times as much nutrition as their full-grown counterparts
  • They are ready to harvest in 2-3 weeks
  • They don’t require any extra equipment to grow

In case you’re wondering what I’m talking about… Microgreens include a wide variety of edible immature plants. Varieties of greens, herbs flowers and vegetables lend themselves to being eaten while small. You do not eat the roots like with sprouts. You harvest by cutting above the soil level and eating the stem and leaves.

It is no secret that I LOVE my microgreens… and I want to share with you how easy it can be to grow your own nutritious and delicious micros! I also love my local farmers, so I’ve invited Amanda Yadav, Microgreen Farmer at Fiddlehead Farm to join us and give pointers along the way… So let’s go over the basics of getting started!

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