I know you’ve felt it too, even though its still cold- the days are longer, the sun is stronger and the birds have started singing again! Time to dig in and start turning our garden dreams into garden goals. Now is the time to ensure those mouth watering harvests!
There are as many goals for a garden as there are gardeners. There are also as many ways to plan a garden as there are gardeners.
Think about what you want from a garden and go from there.

Peppers, Tomatoes, Beans and Pak Choi
- Fresh herbs- most herbs do well in containers
- Salsa garden- that will take some space and extra happy soil
- Root crops- to grow and store through the winter a cold frame might be worthwhile
- Child’s Learning Garden- a raised bed will help in keeping little feet off seeds
- Space to Relax– Seating and scents, gain privacy with vertical gardening structures
And those of us that like to spend a majority of our Summer’s free time in the garden; honestly assessing what worked and didn’t work from last year’s efforts will go a long way to make this season even better.
Goals for my garden this year include:
Learning how to play more with Mother Nature ~ Grow first successful celery and cauliflower crops ~ Harvest + Preserve healthy food.
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