Are you a Zucchini lover or a hater?
Of course I’m a zucchini lover, I’m a sucker for a veggie that goes overboard and can be used in both sweet and savory ways!
I’ve finally gathered together my collection of recipes and ways I use and preserve Zucchini. I know lots of us vegetable gardeners joke about ‘ding dong ditch’ with these as the season progresses… This is the notorious prolific vegetable. And many get away from me and all gardeners each year (see picture at the end if you want proof of that ;-).
There are so many ways to make use of zucchini! This is such a delicious and versatile veggie. For those of with bounty, or if you just want to savor the sweet summer flavors into winter, read on!

Zucchini Growing Tips
I both start seeds indoors and direct sow- with similar results. I get earlier harvests with the plants started earlier, or more prolific but later with the plants I direct sow. Choose what works for you! They do like lots of compost and can be planted outside a fence, as critters (at least in my area) do not nibble. This is a great news because zucchini plants take up a LOT of space, easily three square feet. A little compost and mulch when planting and you should have oodles of zoodles!

*Hand Pollinating* Tip
If you aren’t getting good fruit set, you can hand pollinate, taking pollen from the male flower and dusting it onto the female flower!
Grab a paint brush and have fun!
I have had limited success starting a second round of zucchini and summer squash mid-July for fall harvests here in Zone 4b.
My Favorite ways to Enjoy Zucchini

If you have a spiralizer, great- if not a mandolin is your BFF! I often use the ‘small shred’ option on my mandolin to make a salad base while my lettuce greens are slim picking during the hot days of August.
A quick sizzle with EVOO, Garlic, Onion, Oregano, Salt, Pepper and you’ve got summer stand in for pasta!!
In fact, I’ve got a flavor packed Summer Spaghetti Recipe as well!
Sliced 1/4 -1/2″ thick drizzled in EVOO, Salt, Pepper, Garlic Powder + Oregano. Oregano plays really well with zucchini! Sear for 5-10 until al dente. Skewering chunks onto a kebab is another favorite way to grill this veggie- try alternating cherry tomatoes and onion slices in between the zucchini for a flavor pop!
I will often simply chop up fresh zucchini or summer squash and add any
f you want a savory take on the good old pancake- Zucchini Fritters are for you! I love two different versions of this recipe almost equally- but having just perfected the zucchini Cornmeal Fritter- this is our current go to quick lunch- served with a fresh Tzatziki Sauce (Cucumber + Yogurt Dip) these are out of this world! They’re also surprisingly delicious cold the next day 😉.
RECIPES: GF Zucchini Fritters 2 Ways
And of course everyone has their favorite Zucchini Bread Recipe. I love that fellow local homesteader Crystal, of @wholefedhomestead (yes you should follow her!) shared her gluten free zucchini bread recipes with us all!
And here’s my very own Decadent Chocolate Zucchini cake recipe.

Shredded Zucchini Kraut: A simple and zesty way to make your zucchini even more beneficial. I use this simple recipe from Cultures For Health.
Another favorite fermentation recipe is from Can It and Ferment It by Minnesota local, Stephanie Thurow, I love making the fermented Zucchini-Carrot Relish! I’ve eaten this like a side salad, plus it tops everything from eggs to burgers. Here’s a link to the book, Can It and Ferment It if you’re interested.

Zucchini makes a great substitute for cucumbers in relish and I actually prefer the texture. Follow my Zucchini Sweet Relish Recipe to use those big ones that ‘got away’ from you. This is one of my most requested recipes!

The fastest, easiest and honestly the what ends up happening with most of my zucchini is shredding and freezing! Simply shred, squeeze out excess liquid and freeze in Ziplocs for winter soups, stews and baking! I’ll either wait until I have a good amount and bust out the food processor to shred lots fast, or shred one at a time with my mandolin. *No blanching needed* I usually freeze in 2 cup amounts, but you do you!

As always, if you’d rather give your extra produce away, find a local food shelf to donate to. Our local White Bear Lake food shelf accepts garden produce at certain times details here, so please call before you drop.
Have I made a zucchini lover out of you yet?
What is your favorite variety of zucchini, and how do you enjoy it the most?
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