Let’s just get a few issues taken care of up front…
Getting help from a food shelf might have some stigmas surrounding it. Something like people aren’t working hard enough, or people are abusing the system, or they don’t really need it… Well, after volunteering at my church’s food shelf for a while I can assure you that the people using the food shelf services are just like ALL OF US. And ALL OF US deserve to be treated with dignity and respect. K, I’m hopping off my soap box now 😉

Stocked and ready to go!

I am pumped for the increased access to good food for our neighbors on the East Side of Saint Paul.

Merrick Community Services has opened a SECOND East Side food shelf location in order to bring more food to more people! That goal of more evenly distributed, healthy food options is what drives Samantha Soriano, Merrick Food Shelf Manager.

Samantha invites you to the Dedication and Open House of their new location this Saturday, September 23! The Theme is “Putting Down Roots” and you know I love that 🙂 There will be food from local East Side food trucks and restaurants, games, inflatables, activities, tours of the new food shelf, all coinciding with the Block Party hosted by the church they are housed within, Gustavus Adolphus Lutheran Church. Continue reading